Monday, February 20, 2012

HTC Droid Incredible 2 for Airtel GPRS setting

Go to Settings -> Connections -> Hutch WAP (GPRS)
Connects to: Work
Access point: portalnmms
User name: Blank
Password: Blank
Authentication type: Select the option ‘None’
Primary DNS: Blank
2nd DNS: Blank
IP Address:

After complet  go to Settings ->Proxy -> Hutch WAP Proxy
Connects from: Work
Connects to: WAP Network
Proxy (Name:port):
Type: Select ‘HTTP’
User Name: Blank
Password: Blank

Go to  Internet Explorer -> Tool -> Options -> Connections
Un-check the Automatically Detect Settings option
Select Network: WAP Network
Complet your GPRS seeting enjoy it.