New Samsung Galaxy Tab GPRS Setting send sms and get GPRS Setting for your Galaxy Tab New Galaxy Tab and Old Galaxy Tab both 1 GPRS Setting applicable JavaScript 1.5 and is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connect.
- Press the Menu key
- Settings
- Wireless and Networks
- Mobile networks
- Access Point Names
- a giffgaff APN (if there are no APNs go to 10)
- Press the Menu key
- Delete APN
- Repeat 6, 7 and 8 until no giffgaff APNs remain
- Press the Menu key
- Tap New APN
- Tap Name then tap the text box and enter giffgaff then tap OK
- APN then tap the text box and enter then tap OK
- Username then tap the text box and enter giffgaff then tap OK
- Password then and enter password then tap OK
- MMSC then tap the enter then tap OK
- MMS proxy Enter then tap OK
- MMS port Enter 8080 then tap OK
- MCC then Enter 234 then tap OK
- MNC then Enter 10 then tap OK
- Press the Menu key
- Tap Save